Tuesday 26 January 2016

Start Make Money NOW!!! The 5 Most Lucrative Internet Businesses

Vivid-View Concepts® is a company that focuses on individuals, corporate bodies, politics and economy. The company provides unparalleled behind the scene coverage heralding companies on the move and putting faces to faceless events through Web Designs, Branding, Printing, Publishing and Training.Our vision is to capitalize on individual service to the corporate community in the area of our specialization and our mission is to be an asset to our clients, to be flexible and accessible to the point where we are considered one of their own. We are so glad to introduce the 5 most lucrative internet businesses to you…

The very few people who ordered these manuals then in a seminar we organised in 2015 now practice what is in it and have started sharing their testimonies with us. Some have started their own blogs, having a good number of daily visitors; some are already selling domain names, while some are now designing websites for people, just by following simple instructions in the manuals.

Find below the 5 Most Lucrative Internet Businesses you can begin and you start making money instantly:

Do you know that you can make enough money by uploading videos on youtube. The more people watch your videos the more money you make. Yes, google pays you for every video you upload on their server, but sadly most people dont know, they just upload videos and go their own way. A-list celebrities worldwide make mouth-wateringamounts on youtube, they only have to upload their videos and get you to watch them.
We will teach you how to create or get good content on youtube, how to create a channel, how to get enough people to follow you, how to request for adsense on your youtube, how to make money on a daily basis from youtube.

Pay Per Download
Do you know you can make money by uploading files on the internet and get people to download them? The more people download your files the more money you make. The files can be audios, videos, ebooks, softwares, anything whatsoever. We will teach you how to make money by uploading files and get people to download them, how get enough people to download your files, how to cash your money.

We will teach you how to come up with a marketable/buyable domain names, how to register a domain name, how to find and register expired domains, how to make money with your domain names on a daily basis before eventually selling them off, how and where to quickly get buyers for your domain names and sell for as high as $1000USD, $3000USD etc.

We will teach you how to open a blog, how to design your blog, how to create/generate good and unique content on your blog, how to get enough Facebook likes and twitter followers, how to create and have more than 50k members on your Facebook group within three months and use it to your own advantage, how to make people fall in love with you and your blog and get them coming everyday like their lives depend on it, how to generate heavy traffic and how to easily get Google Adsense and avoid getting banned, how to get direct advert on your blog, how to receive your money here in Nigeria or anywhere else in the world.

We will teach you everything you need to know about building a website with WordPress from scratch: What is WordPress, how to host a website, how to install WordPress on your hosting server, how to get dynamic and beautiful WordPress templates that will fit into whatever site you intend to build and how to edit them. In one week, you should be able to call yourself a web developer.We will also teach you how to get clients. With our techniques, people will beg you to develop their websites.

How do YOU achieve all this?
We have written very detailed, comprehensive manuals on these five internet money making machines. These manuals are so self-explanatory that if all you know how to do on the computer is just signing in to your Facebook account and reading posts on Linda Ikeji, you still will be able to understand and use them. With these manuals, you will become a guru and start making your own income on the internet. The manuals cover everything from A to Z on Domain, Blogging, WordPress, YouTube, and Pay Per Download.
We don't just want to give you the manuals and leave you in the dark. We will stand by you till you make it, we want to mentor you, we want to take responsibility for your online ventures. We have prepared a team of experts who will help guide you through till you make it after you have gotten the manuals. We will assign you a customer number for your mentorship. With this customer number, you will be able to chat with us live on Whatsapp (08145279600) and BBM (58C1D535), you can email us, talk to us on phone and if you reside in Lagos, have an opportunity to meet with us. We will never let you go until you start making money.

How much is it?
Before we tell you how much the manuals and mentorship costs, we will first tell you how much it is worth. The package is worth over N50,000, considering the thorough mentorship you will go through and how comprehensive the manuals are. But weare not going to charge you anything close to that. We are only charging N3,000 only. We would have given you for FREE but it will cost us money to mentor you.
Note: You will get the five manuals as one package. We are going to give you everything together.
Also Note:That this offer lasts for just 7 days, after which you cannot make payment again or get the manual as we don't want the info to spread too much. Please, do not pay after 7 days starting from NOW. Over availability of this info will render it useless.

You will never blame yourself for making the decision, you will never curse us after getting the info, you will never feel scammed, you will greatly benefit from it, and if you follow all the principles in the manuals and allow us mentor you, you will definitely become not just a millionaire but FINANCIALLY FREE. In the end you will be forced to send us a thank you message.

You will get 10 free hot and buy-able domain names you can register from. We have archive of hot domains. We will help you promote your blog on ourfacebook groups and pages and/or our friends' groups and pages for one month, totalling over 350k+ people, we will also help you promote it on twitter.  We will give you 50 premium wordpress templates worth over $1,500USD, we bought these templates with our money, but I will give you for FREE.

Pay the sum of N3,000 (Three thousand naira only) into the account below.
After payment, send SMS of the following to 08069091785;
(1) name
(2) phone
(3) email, and
(4) teller number
or email vvc.gallery@yahoo.com

Please, don't send it twice. Upon confirmation of your payment, the manuals will be sent immediately to your email and your mentorship will commence.

Account Name: Vivid-View Concepts
Account Number: 0033766965
Bank: Diamond Bank

Contact Office:
Vivid-View Concepts
1, AyodeleBabalola Close, Off Akinwale Street, Ogba – Ikeja, Lagos.
Tel: 08069091785
Whatsapp: 08145279600
BB Pin: 58C1D535
Email: vvc.gallery@yahoo.com

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