Friday 30 October 2015

Fear Of Tomorrow Makes Politicians Steal - CHIEF HENRY AJOMALE

CHIEF HENRY AJOMALE is the APC Chairman in Lagos State. During an interactive session held with CONTINEWS correspondents, Mercy Eruagha and Yomi-Abaomi Olakanmi, he spoke at length about how he ventured into politics and what APC represents plus many salient issues concerning Nigeria as a country. Excerpts below:

I was a practising lawyer. I was into corporate and individual services; was well versed in human rights
defence. I was so bent in defending the rights of an average man and it was the basis of my joy.

I was returning from work one day when I was accosted by some council officials. Unknown to them that I was a lawyer; they started barraging words at me, charging me for an offence I never committed. 
In order to disgrace them, I followed them down to their council office and there I met their superior officers who told me those guys were doing what nobody ordered them to do – they were corrected appropriately but that night when I got home, I couldn't get the issue off my mind, I kept reminiscing on it throughout the night. I thought, “What of if I never knew my rights as a citizen and road user, so these guys would have taken an undue advantage over me?” And with that question popping up on my mind over and over, I decided to do something to correct the wrong but how, I asked myself.
I believed an internal blunder cannot be corrected from the outside. I joined politics and contested – and that was the beginning of it all.

Law is good. Politics is as well good but the two become better tools in the defence of mankind if used properly.
At first, many people thought I was into a wrong career by deciding to opt out of law practice for politics – they gave me several reasons why politics is a dirty game and why I will soon taint my worthiness as a Christian.
All my efforts to make them reasons with me wasn't working but I was bent on proving to them what genuine politics looks like..
Of the truth, politics can be a dirty game if it is played with bitterness and it can taint man's faith if he deviates from the principles of truth but violation of moral values is not only synonymous with politics; it is everywhere. People are bad if they decide to be and people can be good if they want to be.
For as long as heaven and earth remain, human beings will continue to either be good or bad. It is immaterial whether they are Nigerians or politicians; it is personal decisions.

When I was a lawyer, I met several lawyers who were into the profession to make money. They could defend any client – whether good or bad for as long as the clients can afford their fees.
And after I joined politics, I have seen desperate politicians who could do anything to get elected and could shun the party, disobey the rules of law after being elected to exert their forces and steal as much as they can but at the end of the day – they come back to the same spot where they started from – point zero, where they had nothing.
I can say it boldly; it is the fear of the unknown, the fear of tomorrow that got them greedy. If you are good; goodness and mercy will always follow you but if you are otherwise, you will have the contrary winds blowing against you. It is not a curse; we see them all the time. Good politicians are always shining even after they have left office whilst the bad ones always look tattered, returning to beg for money.
You see this money is everybody's money and if you believe it is meant for only you and would want to keep as much of it as you can for the benefits of yourself and your family, you are only deceiving yourself. Nobody can keep wind in a closet forever – even the ones kept in tyres soon find their ways out of it; if the tyres do not bust, they leak. It is the secret of life and the only way to live and survive as a politician is for you to see yourself as a custodian of people's wealth; not a sort of a demigod to be worshipped by the people or a thief that steals and not a shylock landlord who wants to make profits at all cost.
You are not elected or appointed into a position of power for personal aggrandisements; it is for you to serve the people you are representing.

Our plan as a party is to make Nigeria an enviable country in the world. There can be a misconception of our agendas but truth need be told – we are the government of the people for the people and by the people. We are the DEMOCRACY of Nigeria,
APC system of operation is to prioritize the people we are serving above our personal agendas and that is why you can see that in all the states where APC govern, one thing is supreme – development.
From the grassroots to the topmost corridor in Aso Rock; our agenda is to distribute the wealth of this country evenly such that everybody can feel the effect of governance. APC is COMMONWEALTH; we believe that what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
APC government promises peace to all Nigerians irrespective of tribes and creeds. SAFETY is APC's watchword; we don't want anyone to sleep with one eyes closed. We are bent on protecting lives and properties throughout the nooks and crannies of Nigeria.
APC is EQUITY; it is equality before the law. There is no sacred cow. No one is above the law.
APC is ACCOUNTABILITY; we want to be held responsible for our acts. We serve the people with respect and dignity.
APC is TRANSPARENCY; we don't run a closed-group government where only a few number of people know what is happening in the country. Our governmental values and agendas are opened for all.
APC is what Nigerians have missed since Independence. We aren't gathering together to destroy further what has been damaged already. We are here to effect correction and ensure a platform for development.
APC is in Nigeria to set a parameter for governance in Africa. We want the people to be referring to Nigeria as a sure haven for investors and secure den for residents.
Through APC, Nigeria of our dreams is realistic.

I had a rough start like most Nigerians. I had no mentor, no motivator, and no godfather like many of us Nigerians would claim.
I came from a polygamous background; may father had many wives and he believed in the maxim – I will enjoy my wealth before anyone can inherit what is left – and so my father lived his life and all his children realised early in life that we have to earn our place at the top.
My father had told me that he wasn't going to sponsor me beyond secondary school, and I was so prepared to go all the way to become what I chose to become in life.
My schooling was a worthy investment; after secondary school, an organisation employed me. I worked for a while, saved enough money to pursue further education; and that was the beginning of discovery and greatness.
I worked hard to have something to be called mine but above all, in integrity to qualify for recognition and respect.
I am married and have wonderful children.

I have championed many courses but the major one is trying to encourage Christians to come into politics. I started a group known as 'Christians in Politics' in which I advocated for the participation of Christians in politics. I postulated the fact that if good people are not taking part in the game, then bad eggs in the society will continue to hatch bad chicks to occupy the positions good people would have occupied – and I am grateful that many Christians are coming on board to contest election and actually voicing out their opinions in various political parties.

My clarion call is that every Nigerian should strive to belong to a political party and participate actively. He who feels it knows it. If you don't belong, there is little you can do from outside. Every Nigerian must be a card carrying member of a political party that meets and supports his/her personal opinions. He must vote at all times. He must also consider contesting an elective post or have a say in who represents his interest apart from the people a political party presents to the people.
It is high time all Nigerians came together to work for the good and progress of this country.

I believe in youths – they must be incorporated into the building of this country. They need proper orientations and I implore as many of them as possible to contribute their quotas to the development of this country in any positive way possible. Youths are the future of Nigeria; they should desist from any act that can jeopardise the development of Nigeria or tarnish her image abroad.
I believe in education. Anything that develops human mind and enlarges his capacity to do more and get more is what I call education; every Nigerian should endeavour to educate himself to a full capacity.
I believe in professional participation. We don't need emissaries from abroad to run our country for us. In as much as it is okay for foreign investors to establish businesses in Nigeria, I still strongly believe that Nigerians should establish businesses that add value to fellow Nigerians and develop our nation. The richest black-man on earth is a Nigerian and Nigeria market is big enough for all and sundry to come on board. I want all professionals in this country, irrespective of gender, creed, tongue and areas of interest to grow a larger mind and establish bigger companies in order for us to grow our economy.
I believe that Nigeria is a Land of opportunity. I want all Nigerians to seize this opportunity and channel a good future for himself, his family and the country.

Nigeria cannot advance without our concerted efforts. All hands must be on deck to move Nigeria forward; it is immaterial whether you are a politician or not – for as long as Nigeria belongs to all, we cannot leave it in the hands of the few and expect to see all our desires come through within a stipulated time. Only Nigerians can make Nigeria become a nation of our dream.

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