Friday 30 October 2015

Nigerians are the Problems of Nigeria - HON. DAYO SAKA FAFUNMI

In a recent chat with our reporters at the Lagos State House of Assembly, Honourable Dayo Saka Fafunmi representing Ifako-Ijaiye Constituency 1 barred his mind on Nigeria's level of development and her stance against other countries of the world.

“We are still far from the rest of the world.” He asserted. He believed the country is yet to qualify as a first class nation despite the feats of President Muhammadu Buhari in tackling the Boko Haram terrorists and his anti-graft war.

Honourable Dayo Saka Fafunmi  who spoke at length on the capacity of human minds and the ways and manners a typical Nigerian will reason emphasised that, “Nigerians need proper orientation; we need to be taught about the importance of elected offices and the duties of elected officers so that our interests as citizens can be duly represented.”

“Students at all levels, from primary to tertiary institutions need to be mandated to study Civic Education where their minds are prepared for their legitimate rights.” He added.

He was thoroughly embittered by how some intellectuals in the society are the major culprits that bastardise the proposals and works of the government. He stressed that it was even more irritating to see well-read people eating and throwing dirt out of their cars as they drive along on the streets.

“When we blame illiterates, what of the literates who violate rules at will?” He started a new version of discussion on the acts of indiscipline Nigerians display on a daily basis. “How many Nigerians understand their legitimate rights ... how many of them can enforce it if challenged?” He asked.

“Nigerians ought to be able to demand their rights even from the law enforcement agents without expecting the government to wade in. It is totally wrong for a policeman who is expected to enforce the law to break the law – we see them every-day, driving recklessly on the wrong tracks of our roads and nobody has challenged them.”
“Nigeria still has a long way to go if all the factors of individuality are to be considered for development. Though, our population is an advantage but we aren't utilising that factors very well and even the smaller countries in Europe with smaller landmass like Belgium and Norway are better-off our country because of the way their citizens reason.” Saka contributed.

He wants Nigerians to desist from the mentality of begging and worshipping of elected officers. He couldn't fathom why Nigerians honour thieves and fraudsters who stole from Nigeria's coffers to enrich themselves stating that, “What many don't understand is that they will give them 5,000 naira and embezzle 500 Million Naira in return; and at the end of the day, they and their families will enjoy the money and you will suffer the consequences.”

“A thief is a thief whether he steals 10 naira or 10 Billion Naira!” Honourable Saka hinted.

He also wanted the traditional rulers to desist from conferring chieftaincy titles on the people that are not living right. He blamed them for not understanding the gravity of their naivety.

“The traditional rulers and praise singers seeking opportunities to get their claws on the stolen largesse are also thieves; should there be an ideal rule of law, they must also be prosecuted accordingly for abetting the dastard acts of corruption.”
Saka wants every Nigerian – professional or amateur, learned and unlearned to stand-up for the right thing. He believes that if nothing is done at this time to correct the anomalies in the society, Nigeria may keep swinging like a pendulum without making headway.

Honourable Dayo Saka Fafunmi who is one of the very few privileged Nigerian elected officers operating a free bus-shuttle for school pupils within his constituency also lamented the fact that some people will only look for a way to sabotage good gestures, siphon money from gullible people to satisfy their selfish desires without bothering to contribute anything meaningful for the sustenance of worthy charitable ventures.

“Instead,” he said, “they will be calling on you to give them money for their babies' naming ceremony as if you were the one that impregnated their wives and some would pester you with phone calls as if their lives depended on that few hours' celebration or run down your batteries with various SMS as if heaven will fall if they don't hold the party.”

“Had it been Nigerians aren't the major problems vitiating against this country's progress; Nigeria ought to have been more developed than she is.” He offered as a counsel.

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