Monday 21 March 2016

Five ways to always be sexy

Think Sexy
UNKNOWN to you, you were born with a seductive, sexy side. If you don’t think you’re sexy there must be a reason why. Find it and get rid of it fast. Become an expert True lovemaking starts with touching the heart of someone else. Sex is an art. You can drive your partner
crazy by learning how the body responds. Once you know the science of sex, it becomes much easier to hold conversations about it as well. It's surprising to someone when they discover you can talk about it because it means you know about what works. Now that is
incredibly sexy…

Be confident
That sense of knowing who you are and what makes you worth kissing will exude sexiness to everyone around you even if that’s not your intention. Inner confidence attracts (this is not arrogance we are talking about here).It gives you a kind of mystery that tells someone that you would
not bring a lot of “drama” into a relationship. Rather, you would make life interesting.

Practice nakedness
No matter how unsatisfied you may be with your body, walk around naked – a lot. It’s amazing how sexy you
begin to feel. The more you become comfortable in your own skin, the less you care what someone else thinks.

Practice sexy poses in the mirror and forget the sagging
tummy or thighs. Remember, it’s all about attitude.

Make eye contact
A quick glance communicates interest in a person, and a lingering look moves it a step further,”

Sunday 20 March 2016

Transporters Union caution members in Esther

Lagos—The National Union of Road Transport Workers, NURTW and the Road Transport Employers Association,
RTEAN, Sunday urged their members to observe all traffic regulations on the highways during Easter celebration.

The Lagos State Chairman of NURTW, Alhaji Tauren Agbede, and his RTEAN counterpart, Alhaji Musa Muhammed, made the plea in Lagos.
Agbede, who urged members of the union to adhere to traffic laws in the state, said obeying traffic laws was to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers.

“We have spent a lot of money on print and electronic media to educate members on the need to obey traffic laws in their operations.

On his part, Muhammed said that the association had embarked on awareness programme for members of the
union to adhere to traffic laws.

The RTEAN boss urged passengers to also caution drivers whenever they flout traffic regulations.

“We also have jingles instructing members to comply with all directives in the interest of all.

“We have established a task force across the state to support us in enforcement.
Agbede, who expressed support for the newly introduced mobile courts for traffic offenders, said “compliance would improve after a traffic offended experiences delay and is unable to earn his projected daily income.’’

The NURTW boss said that the union had begun public enlightenment campaign for commercial bus drivers across major parks on the mobile courts.

“We also displayed billboards and banners at strategic places to remind drivers and Olaf's riders of the Do’s and Don’ts of the state traffic law,” he said.

Agbede, added that the union would intensify efforts to discourage the sale of alcohol at motor parks.

“All road users, not only the commercial vehicle operators, should obey the law because the road signs are there.

Friday 18 March 2016

Towards a flood_ free in Lagos

VERY soon, the rains will start pouring down. In Lagos, the rainy season is dreaded. Being an island surrounded by
various bodies of water from the Lagos lagoon to different beaches scattered around the state, Lagos’ peculiar
geographical status has far reaching flooding implications on the metropolis. Its topography which makes it essentially
a low lying terrain up to 0.4 percent below the sea level is another critical issue. Naturally, this brings about a huge
flooding challenge.

However, in as much as flooding is a natural phenomenon, some human activities aggravate it. The common practice of building houses near rivers and other bodies of water
(i.e., within natural floodplains) has contributed to the disastrous consequences of floods. In Lagos State, the building of houses near rivers and beaches is fast becoming
a fad among the elite. These edifices usually come in the way of free flow of water bodies whenever there are heavy
downpours. These houses often come with poor drainage channels connecting them to the bigger canals and water
channels. It is a wonder why the appropriate authorities allow this in the first place.

Similarly, poor and indiscriminate waste disposal is a major  cause of flooding in the State. It is common sight to see
people empty huge sacks of wastes in the drainage whenever it rains. And when such people are accosted, the rain will flush them off is the usually thoughtless response.

In addition, commuters in both private and commercial vehicles litter the streets as they journey to their various
destinations. This garbage end up in gutters and other drainage channels  Furthermore, despite the designation of
the last Saturday of every month as the general environmental sanitation day in the State, some residents still defy this directive by not utilising this period

And to make matters worse, some cart pushers, illegal waste agent patronised by some residents, dump the refuse
they have been paid to dispose off in canals and large drainage channels. This act often results in blockage of free
flow of waste water, resulting in flooding whenever it rains, irrespective of the magnitude. This is often rampant in
markets and other commercial centres. If only the perpetrators of these acts are aware of the consequences of
their action!

Often times, the effects of flooding on the affected residents are unquantifiable and devastating. The menace of flooding has rendered many people homeless, while not a few landlords have been stripped of their only investments.

Invariably, this has contributed immensely to the upsurge in the level of social problems in the society. There is an
increase in the army of the homeless, which has resulted in overcrowding in houses, all in attempts to play good
neighbours and take these people in.

Also, it is not uncommon to see some senior citizens begging for alms to keep body and soul together, when their
only investments have been destroyed by flooding. Infrastructures such as roads are not spared as a result of
this menace of flooding. Many roads have been destroyed and the affected communities cut off from the rest of the
state. This has affected economic, academic and social activities in these communities.

It is, therefore, important that both state and local government authorities continually enlighten the people
about the enormity of the dangers posed by flooding and the need for them to stop every human induced action that results into flooding. The management of the Lagos Waste Management Authority (LAWMA, especially, should step up
efforts to extend their services to the nooks and crannies of
the state. This way, no one would have any rationale to engage in environmentally unfriendly activities.

As we prepare for the rainy season, all hands must be on deck to ensure that all human induced actions that promote
flooding are discontinued.
Consequently, NGOs, Community Development Associations, the media, members of the Civil Society and
all well meaning individuals and groups in the state should endorse attitudinal change towards the environment.

The struggle between man and nature has always been a protracted one. But it is certain that nature cannot conquer
the resolve of a determined and united people whenever man decides to subdue nature and enforce dominion over
the earth. All we need to do is to appreciate the value of preparedness and prevention of disaster rather than wait for
the problem before taking action. While it is possible to blame government for poor health facilities, pitiable educational condition and weak infrastructure, tackling
natural occurrences such as climate change challenge and flooding should be a collective responsibility that  involves
every segment of the society.

Mr. Adenike Ademola, an environmental protection campaigner, wrote from Lagos

2017 AFCON qualifier: we can never be afraid of Egypt_Musa

AGAINST the back drop of intense hype being generated by the two-legged 2017 Afcon qualifiers between the Super
Eagles and Pharaohs the match has generated a lot of interest among Nigerian football fans.

The accompanying mind games from both camps have no doubt, increased
the tension in Nigerians that some fans can’t wait to see the two African
soccer giants clash in Kaduna.

But Nigeria captain, Ahmed Musa has been quick to douse tension and has
declared that Nigeria do not have any reasons to be afraid going into two

AFCON 2017 qualifiers against Egypt as the target remains to win the games.

Nigeria will host Egypt on March 25 in Kaduna with the return leg in Alexandria
four days later in qualifying matches that could well determine the overall winners of the group.

Egypt are top of the qualifying group with six points from two matches, two points more than Nigeria, with only the
group winners guaranteed automatic qualification to Gabon 2017.

The build-up to these matches has been noisy with both teams bullish of their chances and CSKA Moscow star forward Ahmed Musa has now restated
his belief Nigeria will triumph over the seven-time African champions.

“I am calling on Nigerians and football fans to support us and keep praying for us as we will make the nation proud
with victories over Egypt,” Musa told

“We are not afraid of Egypt. Why should we?

“We have top quality players who will do Nigeria and Nigerians proud in both games. There is no reason to panic
or fear Egypt, instead they should be the ones who should be afraid of us.”

Meanwhile, chairman of the NFF technical committee, Chris Green has called for respect for the Egyptians.

Egypt coach Hector Cuper recently announced the 25-man squad that is set to face the Super Green Eagles in the two-
legged African qualifiers on the 25th and 29th of March.

Green has also called Nigeria to turn their attention to the Pharaohs as a whole not just one player in the person of
Arsenal midfielder Mohamed Elneny.

“Elneny is just one player in the pack of 11 and so I don't think we need to worry about one player,” Green told

Africa’s pioneer sports radio station Brilla FM.

“We need to worry about [Egypt’s whole] team, we must respect the Egyptians because they have a difficult team.
But at the same time we are playing at home, we should be able to go forward at home,” he concluded.

The Ex governor of Anambra, called the p square to settle their differences

It ’ s been a scary few days for all the fans of the P - Square
former governor of Anambra state , Peter Obi has had to wad into the disagreement between the music duo, Peter
and Paul Okoye .

He said he ’ s highly disappointed with the way they ’ re washing their dirty linen in public .

According to DailyPost, Peter Obi allegedly called them separately on Monday to advise them against making a
decision that will ruin their career and family for life .

The brothers , who hail from Anambra State , are reportedly expected to meet with Peter Obi , later this week in Abuja,
for a possible reconciliation .

He was said to have reminded them of the old African adage that says , “ blood is thicker than water. ”

Monday 14 March 2016

How we can end the long lasting fuel scarcity

In the past few weeks, Nigerian have been groaming under a biting fuel scarcity. Fuel shortage has become a recurring decimal. But it should not be, argues, Dr Victor
Iyama, Chairman, Board of Trustees, Cocoa Association of Nigeria (CAN) and President, Federation of Agricultural
Commodity Associations of Nigeria (FACAN), In this

interview with DANIEL ESSIET, he says if the refinery business becomes open, fuel scarcity will end.

The Federal Government plans to raise N1.84 trillion tobfund the budget? How will this affect the economy?
If I was in a position to advise the Federal Government, I would have said we should live within our means.

We should be ready to take some painful steps now so the future generation can enjoy.

By and large, infrastructure is very important, but we must consider the state of our finance and not plunge the nation into further debts. If strategic infrastructural developments are to be undertaken, it must be done in such a way that the government will spend less.

For instance, road infrastructure development should be given to
I will support independent concessionaires running them nationwide.
Let us get private concerns to run our roads for an agreed number of years and then later hand over the roads to
government or extend the concession as the case may be.

We can use road tolling as a tool to finance infrastructure. This idea will free up more resources for other things to be done in the country.
We are in a precarious situation now; we are here because we refused to save for the rainy day; we were eating everything.

This is a government of change. Change
must be demonstrated in all ramifications. We must be ready to cut so many things off, if not we will be mortgaging the future of the children yet unborn.
I am surprised to read in the papers that the Senate wants to buy new cars. How can they be talking about that? Is it
too much for them to use their cars for oversight functions? How can they plan to spend that kind of money on cars now when we say we are tightening our

Nigerians are calling for an economic blue print that will address the falling oil price and aid sustainable development. What do you suggest?

Refinery business should be thrown totally open. If a man has a capacity to refine, then let him be allowed to set up something.

Whatever capacity he has to refine, let
him be encouraged to set up something. Let the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) be a supervisory

You don’t have to confine me to a special licence. If the Dangotes of this world can build five billion litres
capacity refinery, then let them build it. Let other smaller.

5 reasons you have to drink red wine before bed

Red wine is one of the best pre-bedtime drugs one can take.

Unlike other alcoholic drinks, red wine contains resveratrol, a compound which has been attributed to being a sleep aid.
Here are some reasons you should drink wine before bed.

1. A sip of wine before bed
The alcoholic content in red wine tends to lower the body temperature and according to studies, it also speeds up the release of certain hormones and triggers metabolic
changes that help you drift off to sleep.

2. A glass of wine before exercise
Studies have shown that drinking a glass of red wine before exercise, keeps you refreshed and feeling light. Red winE
bolsters the heart and muscle health tremendously, but only before exercise.

3. Do it sparingly
Consumption of red wine has its perks, but it’s advisable to do it sparingly.
They say too much of everything is bad and this rule applies to everything including wine. So, keep it simple, a glass at dinner and one before bed,

4. Skip the multi-vitamins Drinking multivitamins go a long way to boost the body’s metabolism but, drinking red wine does the same thing.

Most people tend to opt for resveratrol supplements, but according to research, swallowing a resveratrol supplement doesn’t seem to offer the same benefits as
drinking red wine. So drop the pills and pick up the glass. this will help lengthen your life span by more than a mile.

5. You’re guzzling it to help your skin
Research has shown that red wine contains compounds which aid in protecting the skin from sun damage and it also promotes skin firmness. But remember to always pace yourself.

Malawi President allege Pastor T.B Joshua For his prophecy that he will die soon

Nigeria’s Pastor Temitope Joshua came under the hammer in Lilongwe, Malawi on Sunday, over the correctness of his prophecies.

The attack was launched by the Malawian President Peter Mutharika who said he would defy Joshua’s alleged prophecy that he would die before April 1, state
television reported.

“I’m told there is a man in Nigeria called Joshua and he is saying that Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe and Peter Mutharika will die before April 1,” he said,
referring to an evangelical preacher called TB Joshua.

“Let me tell you, Joshua… you will fail. What you did in 2012 will not happen again this year,” the president told
a rally in the capital Lilongwe. In 2012, Joshua reportedly predicted the death of a
president of an unnamed southern African country.

Mutharika’s brother, Bingu, who was president at the time, did die within the predicted timeframe, giving the prophesy strong currency in Malawi. Mutharika did not say when or where Joshua made the
latest prophesy.

In January, Joshua reportedly gave a televised prophecy, telling his congregation to pray for the leaders
in southern Africa, saying: “End of February to April this year, peculiar months for Southern Africa.”

But Mutharika questioned Joshua’s credentials as a prophet, pointing to the collapse of a guesthouse in his
sprawling Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos in September 2014, which left 116 people dead,
mostly South Africans.

“Why did he not foretell this tragedy?

“This all shows that he is a liar. He just wants to raise money,” said Mutharika, who is in his mid 70s, pledging to be around in 2019 for the next presidential elections, and in also 2024, when — if reelected — he will wrap up his last term.

Mutharika came to power in 2014 after defeating Joyce Banda.
Banda, who succeeded Bingu Mutharika, made several visits to the Nigerian headquarters of Joshua’s church .

Friday 11 March 2016

"Siasia is afraid of us -Egypt Coach said

THE 2017 AFCON qualifier between Nigeria and Egypt is still two weeks away but the mind game and war of words
between the two camps have been intensified as the battle draws near.

*Siasia afraid of us —Egypt
*Egypt should be afraid of us —Siasia

Egypt goalkeeping coach Ahmed Nagi believes that Nigeria boss Samson Siasia is using bully-boy tactics to hide his
fear ahead of their double header in Group G of the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations.

“We can recreate October 1977; why not? The home- boys have come in and full
training has commenced. Everyone is rearing to go. By the time the foreign based players arrive, the competition will be what we want,” the Super Eagles
caretaker coach had claimed, recalling Nigeria’s 4-0 thrashing of the Pharaohs in Lagos in a FIFA World Cup qualifier in
October 1977.

“Siasia’s statements won’t affect Egypt players, or the coaching staff,” Nagi said
on television on Wednesday.

“We’re used to hearing these kinds of comments from African coaches. The statements indicate he is worried
about the Egypt clash. “Siasia respects the Egypt team. He knows our abilities. And we also respect the Nigeria team,
as they are strong opponents, so I hope to achieve a positive result.”

Lying top of the group on six points, following back-to-back wins over Tanzania and Chad, the Pharaohs will face
Nigeria in Kaduna on 25 March before hosting the Super Eagles in Alexandria four days later.

“The final squad will be announced after the CAF Champions League and Confederation Cup games. Then we
will fly to Nigeria on 23 March in a private jet to Kaduna,” the goalkeeping coach added.

Meanwhile Super Eagles caretaker manager Samson Siasia has fired back at the Egyptian coach who said that he was
afraid of the Pharaohs. Instead, Siasia has stressed that the Egyptian team should be afraid of the Eagles.

Siasia had previously said that he aims to get all the six points from Egypt in their two-legged clash in the qualifiers,
and now warns his players that they cannot be afraid of Egypt.

“We are preparing very well [for the game against Egypt], some of the players have just arrived,” Siasia told

“Nigeria is not afraid. Nigeria cannot be afraid of Egypt, we are playing in home what can we be afraid of? Not even
away, even in the away game we cannot be afraid. We know they are a good team and we have to be very ready. We just
have to continue like that until the foreign-based players come. I told the foreign-based players that everybody can play,”

“We don’t have to be Bayern or anything, we want players who will go out there and give 120 percent on that day. We are not messing around, this is a very difficult game we are going to play. I don’t want to punish anyone, I want guys who go out there and play for us with a serious mind and achieve what we are here for. Me under pressure? I have never been under pressure before, why now?” he concluded.

It is worth noting that the 48-year-old coach has taken a disciplinary action against three of his squad players after
arriving late in training without a permission by excluding them from the list for the Egypt games.

Fed govt compensate Peterside as DG NIMASA

The Federal Government on Thursday appointed Dr Dakuku Peterside as the Director General of Nigerian
Maritime administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA).

A statement signed by Yetunde Sonaike, the Director, Public Relations, Ministry of Transportation in Abuja said that the appointment was with immediate effect.

Peterside was the governorship candidate of APC in April.11, 2015 governorship election in River state and also a former member, House of Representative from
2011 to 2015.

According to the statement, Peterside has a Doctorate Degree in Management Science from the University of Port Harcourt and MBA in Business Administration.

He also holds a Bachelor Degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences (B.MLS) in Hematology from Rivers State
University of Science and Technology.

Over one million children on oral Health Day is the target of Unilever

Unilever Nigeria Plc is targeting one million children in this year’s Oral Health Day, which holds at Teslim Balogun Stadium in Surulere, Lagos on March 18.

The firm, through its brand, Pepsodent with the Nigerian Dental Association (NDA), is promoting the culture of
brushing day and night for healthy oral-care.

Unilever Nigeria’s Vice President, Brand Building, Robbert-de Vreede, said the firm was committed to doing business in a sustainable way. This, he said was why
the firm is partnering the Nigerian Dental Association, Federal Ministry of Health and others to create
awareness on oral health.

He said: “Ninety per cent of the world’s population suffers from oral diseases. When kids are affected by such diseases, they may not be able to bear the pain and
as such affect them in school or cause them to drop out of school for a period of time.

“This year, we are educating one million children directly on how to take care of their teeth by brushing day and
night using fluoride toothpaste such as Pepsodent.’’

Nigerian Dental Association President Dr Bode Ijarogbe said World Oral Health Day is aimed at increasing awareness for oral health as well as the impact of oral
diseases on general health, well-being and national economies.

The theme for this year’s celebrations is Brush Day and Night… Healthy mouth. Healthy body .

Category Manager, Oral Care, Unilever Nigeria, Bunmi Adeniba said the firm was committed to improving the oral health of 10 million children  by 2020 through
Pepsodent Brush Day and Night schools programme.

The World Oral Health Day includes Brush Day and Night campaign, health awareness walk from LUTH, Idi-Araba
to Jibowu Bus stop, Lagos, dental outreaches with minor interventions to rural communities.

Adediwura Has Been Giving The Appointment Obalufe :By Ooni

The Ooni of Ife, Oba Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi , yesterday appointed Comrade Idowu Olaniyi Adediwura of the Ajagbusi royal house of Orunto as the Obalufe of

The Obalufe is second-in-command to the Ooni. By implication, Adediwura, who replaces the late Oba Folorunso Omisakin, who died last October, is now the
next in command to the Ooni. Born in 1967 to the family of Pa Alfred Tijuara and Mrs Tayelolu Mariani Adediwura, the Obalufe-designate is a trade unionist and labour leader in the maritime sector.

He is a member of the Maritime Workers Union of Nigeria and has remained the Tin Can Island Container Terminal unit chairman from 1992 till date.

He attended All Saints Primary School, Ilode, Ile-Ife; Oronna High School, Ilaro Ogun State and Pen Foster Career School in Canada.

He is married to Olusola and they are blessed with

Thursday 10 March 2016

7 Most Dangerous Roads to Travel in Nigeria

Nigeria is fast winning the trophy for
being the country with the “most
dangerous roads to travel,” and this is
not unrelated to the number of lives that
are lost daily on the nation’s roads.

According to the Federal Road Safety
Commission (FRSC), over 150,000 lives
are lost annually all around the country
as a result road-related incidents, and
these range from –

- Traffic accidents
- Armed robbery
- Open gullies
- Police traffic checkpoints
- Unmarked corners
- Unlit roads

- Abandoned broken-down vehicles
Some of the most dangerous roads to
travel in Nigeria are as following –

i. Abuja-Lokoja-Okene-Kabba: If you have
travelled from anywhere in the
Southwest of Nigeria to Abuja through
the Lokoja-Okene road in Kogi State,
then you will understand that this is a
road of death. Not only is this road bad,
it is a haven of armed robbers.

Thousands of passengers travelling the
Lokoja-Okene road to Abuja or to Ondo
State have been waylaid by armed
bandits and dispossessed of their goods.
The same can be said of the Ilorin-
Kabba-Lokoja road and the Lokoja-
Obajana-Kabba road among others
along that same axis.

ii. Lagos-Sagamu-Ore-Benin road: An
analyst noted that “If there is any road
in the country that has portrayed
successive governments in the country
in bad light as failed governments in the
last two decades, it is the Lagos-Sagamu
–Ore –Benin road.” This road is not only
bad and terrible for motorists, it is also
a den of robbers where unfortunate
passengers have been robbed and raped
if their vehicles break down along the
road. Travelling through the road is like
travelling through the valley of the
shadow of death.

iii. Lagos-Ibadan expressway: Constructed
in 1974, the 120-kilometre highway is
the only major road linking Lagos to
Ibadan and other states within and
beyond the Southwest of the Nigeria.
The FRSC reported that in 2012 that 775
people died in 2,075 accidents along this
road. The main dangers along this major
expressway linking other states to Lagos
is that of unmotorable road and
frequent accidents, largely caused by oil
tankers and overspeeding vehicles on
the expressway filled with potholes.

iv. Okigwe-Umuahia road: The ever-busy
Enugu Port Harcourt expressway has
always been a death trap for commuters.
While road contractors hired to repair
and maintain the road had abandoned it
due to funds not being released by the
government, the roads have fallen into
terrible disrepair and become a death-
trap for motorists and passengers alike.

v. Otukpo-Otukpa road in Makurdi: It is

vii. Kaduna-Abuja road: The Kaduna
highway links many states in the north
of the country to Abuja but boasts of
over 400 potholes. In fact, the state of
the road bears no image of a channel
that links major states in the north to
the Federal Capital Territory. An 18-
seater Hummer bus was once involved
in a ghastly motor accident that caused
the loss of 14 lives along this road – they
were all burnt to death beyond
recognition. The vehicle had been
coming from Kano State to Abuja. that Otukpo and Otukpa roads are
both within Makurdi in Benue State, this
is a major road where craters, gulley
erosion, potholes, and even dare-devil
robbers rule the road. From Otukpa to
Otukpo, the ancestral home of Idoma
kingdom; you’d be forced to dance
along with your vehicle to no rhythm
for close to four hours in the journey,
which ought not to last for about one or
2 hours. A columnist wrote that “For
regular travelers, the thought of
venturing on Otukpa-Otukpo road is the
beginning of a journey into
uncertainties, eternity or the easiest way
of booking appointment with fate and
grave, nay a way of bring money for
nearby coffin makers.”

vi. Enugu-Awka-Onitsha road: The
deplorable state of the highway linking
Enugu, Awka, and Onitsha has forced
hundreds of motorists to abandon the
road and reroute via the old road from
Udi to Awka. Several people have died
in traffic accidents occurring on this
road, and it continues to be a serious
headache to passengers and motorists

vii. Kaduna-Abuja road: The Kaduna
highway links many states in the north
of the country to Abuja but boasts of
over 400 potholes. In fact, the state of
the road bears no image of a channel
that links major states in the north to
the Federal Capital Territory. An 18-
seater Hummer bus was once involved
in a ghastly motor accident that caused
the loss of 14 lives along this road – they
were all burnt to death beyond
recognition. The vehicle had been
coming from Kano State to Abuja.

vii. Kaduna-Abuja road: The Kaduna
highway links many states in the north
of the country to Abuja but boasts of
over 400 potholes. In fact, the state of
the road bears no image of a channel
that links major states in the north to
the Federal Capital Territory. An 18-
seater Hummer bus was once involved
in a ghastly motor accident that caused
the loss of 14 lives along this road – they
were all burnt to death beyond
recognition. The vehicle had been
coming from Kano State to Abuja.

South African Gay Singer Dies Of Anal Cancer, HIV

According to reports, Bala returned to
Cape Town from Johannesburg on
Sunday March 6th and complained of
having serious pains. He was taken to
the Groote Schuur hospital that same
day but died the following morning.
He was tested HIV-positive in 2011 and
in 2014, he was diagnosed with anal

His last tweet about his illness was in
February reads:
"I pray 2 God everyday 2 help me pass
this cancer #itshard #pains #wontgiveup
#canwinthisbattle #cantsleepofpains".
May his soul rest in peace, Amen.”

She was named the Official Celebrity
Tour guide for the upcoming Dubai
Easter Group Tour which would start
from, March 24 - 28, 2016.
Mercy went on a similar Dubai trip
during the last Valentine celebrations for
the ‘Dubai Love Boat Cruise’.

New Telenovella, Hush To Premiere On 4th April –

Africa Magic is set to premiere a new
exciting telenovella, Hush , on April 4,
2016. It is said to be a tale of fashion,
politics and ambition which follows
different members of high society as
they collide.

The story of Hush revolves around Bem
and Arinola, power-players in fashion
and politics respectively. Bem, played by
Richard Mofe-Damijo, is one of Africa’s
biggest designers based in Lagos State,
Nigeria, while Arinola, played byThelma
Okoduwa, is one of the state’s fastest
rising politicians. It also features
veteran Nollywood actor, Olu Jacobs, Baj
Adebule, Rotimi Adelegan and Meg Otanwa

The Director, M-Net West Africa, Wangi
Mba-Uzoukwu, said: “ Hush is an exciting
telenovella that explores the intriguing
relationship between two powerful
individuals, and the power tussle
between players in fashion, politics, and
high-society. The storyline is unique
even as the acting promises to be
exciting, given the caliber of the cast
and crew involved. We are excited for
our viewers and urge them to tune in to
catch Hush. ”

The telenovella will air on Africa Magic
Showcase (DStv channel 151),
weeknights at 9pm CAT.

Wednesday 9 March 2016

6 Important Facts Every Couple Should Know About Family Planing

According to the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA), up to 225
million women, most of whom are
Africans require family planning but are
not on any form of it. If they had access
to modern methods of family planning,
as many as 24 million abortions, 6
million miscarriages, 70000 maternal
deaths and 500000 infant deaths could
have been prevented.

Family planning, otherwise known as
contraception refers to the diverse methods and techniques whereby couples can determine the number of children they want to have and when.

Countries such as China and India have
been able to cut their population growth
rate and improve the standard of living
of citizens by introducing stiff family
planning measures. However, in sub-
Saharan Africa, limited access as well as
diverse religious and traditional beliefs
have hampered the practice of family

In this article, we will take a look at
various family planning options and the
benefits derivable from them.
1. Condoms Lower the risk of HIV and other STIs Apart from providing contraception and preventing unwanted pregnancies by serving as a mechanical barrier between sperm and eggs, condoms, when correctly and consistently used can also reduce your risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea. Condoms
achieve this by preventing contact
between the skin and infected body
fluids as long as there is no slippage or

2. Combined oral contraceptive pills (COCs)
offer significant protection from cancers
These pills are usually made up of
oestrogen and progestogen components
in order to prevent ovulation by
inhibiting the follicle stimulating and
luteinizing hormones. Most formulations
contain 21 hormonally active pills
followed by 7 placebo pills to facilitate
consistent daily intake throughout a 28-
day menstrual cycle. Oral contraceptive
pills prevent benign breast disease,
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and
functional cysts. In addition, the use of
COCs has been associated with a 50%
risk reduction for endometrial adenocarcinoma. They also provide
protection against ovarian cancers.

3. Contraceptive implants are also available For women who are breastfeeding or have challenges with complying with oral tablets or injections, contraceptive implants are a suitable option. For instance, implanon is a single-rod implant that can be inserted underneath the skin where it then releases 68mg of etonogestrel slowly at a predetermined rate over a period of 3 years.

Throughout this period, contraception is
reliably provided without any further
need to swallow pills or receive
intramuscular injections. Plus, once the
rod is removed after 3 years, return to
fertility is usually dramatic within 3

4. Consistent breastfeeding provides natural contraception Not many mothers are aware that consistent and exclusive breastfeeding of their babies during the first six months of life is a form of natural
contraception. It is referred to as the
Lactational Amenorrhoea Method (LAM)
and it prevents the cyclical release of
eggs from the ovaries (ovulation). Little
wonder most mothers do not menstruate
while exclusively breastfeeding their babies. Therefore, breastfeeding is
beneficial for both mother and baby
since it not only promotes bonding
between them but also provides
contraception at no extra cost to the

5. Family planning reduces maternal and
child mortality Family planning has achieved tremendous results in reducing the maternal and childhood mortality rates
globally. For instance, it has been
discovered that a woman who has more
than 4 children (grandmultiparity)
stands a higher risk of dying during
pregnancy and childbirth. Similarly, the
use of contraceptives has reduced the
incidence of unwanted pregnancies
among teenagers especially girls less
than 18 years who are more likely to
suffer adverse events like prolonged
obstructed labour and unsafe abortions
during pregnancy and delivery.

Evidently, obstructed labour and
abortions are leading causes of maternal
mortality. In the same vein, such under-
age girls are more likely to deliver
preterm or low birth weight babies who
have less chances of survival.

6. Family planning prevents unwanted
pregnancies among HIV positive women
One of the major strategies adopted for
the prevention of mother-to-child
transmission of HIV/AIDS (PMTCT) is the
prevention of unwanted pregnancies
among women that have been
diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Such women
are adequately counselled on the
numerous available family planning
techniques and assisted in making the
best choice for them so that they can
only get pregnant when they are ready
to do so. Even then, they are placed on
antiretroviral drugs to protect the foetus.
Undoubtedly, this has reduced the incidence of paediatric HIV/AIDS among
newborns in our society.

In conclusion, it is obvious that a wide
range of family planning options are
available nowadays with their potential
benefits. The onus lies on you to consult
your healthcare giver who can help you
make the best choice tailored towards
meeting your own unique needs.

Switzerland Gave Conditions for Returning $321m Abacha Loot to Nigeria

European country, Switzerland has
given conditions for repatriating the
$321m looted by ex Head of Sate, Gen.
Sani Abacha to Nigeria.

Part of the conditions is that the fund
will be used for projects that will benefit
Nigerians and they (the projects) must
be monitored by the World Bank.

Nigeria's Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Geoffery Onyeama said that the government was working on the modalities for the repatriation.

“.We have to agree beforehand as a pre-
condition on what the money would be
used for and the World Bank would be
part of the monitoring process to ensure
that the money is used for the benefit of
Nigerian people," he said. Onyeama also said that Nigeria had signed an agreement with the Swiss government in the area of human right and migration.

Airport Hotel show: Shina Peters Performance with music, dance

His music evoked memories of the 80s, same for his energetic dance which left many wondering how he was
able to maintain such vigour over the years, but the Afro Juju creator, Shina Peters, has a ready-made answer –
he can never be too old for the genre of music he originated.

He declared this at the much publicised Love Rendezvous event, hosted by Lagos Airport Hotel, to celebrate this year’s valentine season.
Ostensibly, responding to informal questions from the
audience and especially, from a popular Nollywood actor who was also the MC of the night, Yomi Fash-Lanso,
Shina Peters said his age can never stop him from the way he played the music several years ago.

“My age has nothing to do with the way I dance, it is in me, I can never stop doing it. I may be getting old by age
but I am still young at heart. Afro Juju is what I initiated; it comprises high tempo music with rigorous dancing
step and that is the way I will continue to dance it my age notwithstanding” he said.
As the veteran musician rendered some of the crowd’s
favourite songs from the albums he released in his heydays, fun seekers, mostly couples, continued to ask
for more.

It was indeed a night to remember as other musicians, including ‘This year’ crooner, Jaywon and popular female
act, Onos, also added verve to the event.
The event also included a comedy dinner with GbengaAdeyinka which was another spectacular experience.

Speaking at the event, General Manager of the hotel, KayodeBakare, said that apart from the fact that the event was packaged by the hotel to reinforce its overall
brand promise of providing its clients with hospitality with grand attention; it also stood out to promote
celebration of love in a very exclusively mature and exquisite atmosphere.

“Bringing Sir Shina Peters and other notable musicians to celebrate love together in this cozy manner is another
way of telling our numerous clients that we cherish their relationships,” said Bakare.

Swiss Govt Will Return $321 million “Stolen From Nigeria Under Late Gen. Sani Abacha

The Federal Government has welcomed an offer by the

Swiss government to return $321 million stolen funds
from Nigeria under the late Gen. Sani Abacha.

Vice President Yemi Osinbajo spoke yesterday at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, during a meeting with a Swiss
delegation, led by the country’s Federal Councillor and Head of its Foreign Affairs Department, Mr. Didier Burkhalter and the Swiss Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr. Eric Mayoruz.

In a statement by the Senior Special Assistant on Media and Publicity, Laolu Akande, Osinbajo said a framework
was being developed on how the money would be managed.

“The framework will guarantee that returned assets will be used for the people.”

Attorney-General of the Federation and Justice Minister Mr. Abubakar Malami signed an agreement described as
a “Letter of Intent” with the Swiss government on the
restitution of illegally-acquired assets forfeited in Switzerland.

Mr. Burkhalter signed for the Swiss government.

Under the agreement, the Swiss government will award to Nigeria $321 million “of funds illicitly acquired by the
Abacha family. , initially deposited in Luxembourg and confiscated by
the Judiciary of the Republic and Canton of Geneva
pursuant to a Forfeiture order of December, 2014”.

The Fed Govt :Divide NNPC Into Four Unit

•To end fuel import after 18 months
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
has been unbundled into four units in a major restructuring of the 39-year-old oil giant Minister of State for Petroleum Resources Dr. Ibe Kachikwu yesterday announced the new structure at a
briefing in Abuja.

The minister, who is also the Group Managing Director of the organisation, said President Muhammadu Buhari
approved the restructuring.
He said: “The new NNPC comprises a lean headquarters and four autonomous business units.”

He told reporters that the restructuring will not lead to job losses.

The four units are: Upstream Company, Downstream Company, Refinery Company and Gas/ Power Company.

According to him, the Upstream Company will now comprise of NPDC and the IDSL.  The Downstream Company consists of Retail, NPMC and NPSC, the Refinery Company consists of WRPC, KRPC and PARC while the Gas and Power is now made up of NGPTC, NGMC and Gas and Power Investment.

Kachikwu said the Federal Government has approved the appointment of Chief Executives for the companies:

They are: Bello Rabiu as CEO of the Upstream Company; Henry Iken Obih for Downstream; Anibor Kragha for
Refineries and Saidu Mohammed for Gas and Power.

He denied announcing the unbundling of the corporation into 30 companies, saying the GMD is still the Chief Executive of NNPC.

He said what was ignored in his statement about the new structure of the NNPC is that there will be “subsets.

Subset is the unbundling. It is not a direct unbundling of NNPC into 30. It means that the subsets of NNPC are
being unbundled into smaller numbers of companies. It is totally a different thing and the press got it wrong, please.”

The minister attributed the cause of fuel scarcity to the independent marketers that have refused to import petroleum products that now resulted in NNPC
embarking on 100 per importation and supply instead of 50 per cent.

He expressed hope that within one year, the NNPC would overcome fuel constraints and exit importation of

The minister said the Port Harcourt Refinery is back on stream, working at “minimal terms.”

He said the corporation has now embarked on supplying one cargo of products daily. Three refineries, he said,
are configured now to produce 50% of PMS and 50% of other products.

“The hope is that at the end of the month, the three refineries would have got crude and begin to work.

Hopefully, that will soften the pressure,” he added.

The minister explained that even if the refineries are producing at 100 per cent installed capacity there will
still be supply gap, stressing that this situation can only be ameliorated when there is completion of Greenfield
refineries and modular ones that could be coupled for production.

He said the refineries are operational, they will increase products to a level that Nigeria will commence building a
reserve of refined products.

According to him, with the efforts being made to build modular and greenfield refineries Nigeria is targeting fuel
export by 2020 when Dangote Refinery becomes operational.

The minister said “when the refineries begin to work, we will see how we can save up and continue our
importation process and save up strategic reserves so that in the month of difficulties you can reach out to those before you get your next set of import.

“We are working feverishly trying to see with the Joint Venture Partners how we can come with refineries. We
have advertised recently for the collocated refineries.”

On whether government has removed fuel subsidy, he said there is no removal of subsidy but price modulation.

He noted that the government is now saving from the price modulation and it could use the savings to stabilise the market when it is necessary.

According to him, the government will further review the prices of petrol by April, which may lower the cost of fuel.

He said he will always support a reduction of supply by members of the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in order to increase the price of crude.
The minister said prior to the blast of the Forcados pipeline, Nigeria was producing 2.3million barrels per

Sunday 6 March 2016

AMVCA 2016 And Also Paraded The Best Of Musician,

•From left: Adesua Etomi, Daniel K Daniel, Stephanie
Linus, Wangi Mba-Uzoukwu, Regional Director, Africa
Magic, West Africa and Yolisa Phahle, CEO Mnet and
Kemi Lala Akindoju after the Africa Magic Viewers
Choice Award held at Eko Hotel and Suites, Victoria
Island ... at the weekend
It was an emotional moment for Nollywood actress and
filmmaker Stephanie Linus as her movie, Dry, was
named Best Overall Movie at the recent Africa Magic
Viewers Choice Awards held at the Eko Hotel and Suites,
Victoria Island, last Saturday.

The ceremony, which held yesterday hosted the who-is-
who in the Nigerian movie industry.

The ceremony kicked off at about 4pm with a red carpet
which was graced by some of Nollywood’s finest. After
all the razzmatazz of the red carpet, guests were soon
settled in to witness what has come to be regarded as
one of the most prestigious award ceremonies in Africa.

From the keenly contested to the not so prominent
categories, the award ceremony had a surprise for the
crowd that turned out to witness it.
But it wasn’t just about movies, the AMVCA 2016 also
paraded the best of music, interspersed with comedy
from artistes drawn from all over Africa. Highlife
crooner, Flavour N’abania and his Nigerian counterpart,
Yemi Alade were among the artistes whose
performances kept the audience on their feet. Yemi
Alade, together with her dancers added energy and the
much needed verve necessary for an event of such

As the award categories were reeled out, it was clear the
movie lovers were in for a surprise. Although, it wasn’t
quite unexpected for Funke Akindele’s Jenifa’s Diary to
clean out the Best Actor in a Comedy (Folarin Falana)
and Best Actress in a Comedy (Funke Akindele)

What was really surprising was the relatively unknown
Daniel K Daniel clinching the Best Actor in a Drama for
his role in A Soldier’s Story, beating the likes of Mike
Ezuruonye, Majid Michael, Van Vicker, Segun Arinze and
Blossom Chukwujekwu to the game.

Another category that left guests wondering was the Best
Actress in a Drama which was won by Adesua Etomi for
her role in Falling. Etomi took down big wigs in the
industry; Genevieve Nnaji (Road to Yesterday), Mary
Lazarus (Don’t Cry for Me), Belinda Effah (Stop), Fulu
Mugovhani (Ayanda) and Nse Ikpe-Etim (The Visit) to
emerge winner.

Another very emotional moment for attendees was the
moment when tribute was paid to Nollywood’s fallen
heroes. Among those honoured were Peter Bunor,
Mufatau Sanni, Tosin Badmus, Prioye Sokunbi, Mike
Odiachi, Olumide David, Saleh AGM, Aisha Dankano, and
Benson Wanjau.

More emotions poured in when the moment came to
present the 2016 AMVCA Legendary Merit Award. The
award went to Bukky Ajayi and Sadiq Daba, both
veterans of repute. Sadiq was not around to receive his
award, but Bukky Ajayi who made it to the ceremony had
to be wheeled in.

“There are some of you that I might have offended;
please forgive me. There are some people who offended
me, I have forgiven you. Thank you very much. I am very
happy, from the bottom of my heart. Do not mind that I
am crying. I do wish to stand up, but if I stand up, I will
fall down. You all standing for me? Thank you very
much. I am very grateful and I feel very honoured,” a
tearful Ajayi said, rounding her speech up with the peace
sign to the applause of the audience.

Among other winners at the prestigious award were Akin
Omotosho (Best Director), Trail Blazer Award (Kemi
‘Lala’ Akindoju), Best Movie (West Africa) – Genevieve,
Chinny Onwugbenu and Chichi Nwoko (Road to
Yesterday), Best Art Director, Frank Rajah (The
Refugees); Best Television Series, Ariyike Oladipo
(Daddy’s Girls); Best Short Film or Online Video, Oluseyi
Amuwafo (A Day With Death), Best Lighting Designer,
Stanley Ohikhuare (Common Man); Best
Cinematographer, Paul Michaelson (Tell Me Sweet
Something);  Best Sound Editor, Jose Guillermo (Dry) and
Best Picture Editor (Shirley Frimpong-Manso, Rebecca).

Nigerian is now ranked 30 in the world

Nigeria’s Aruna  Quadri’s performance at the ITTF World
Team Championship in Malaysia yielded for the 2014
ITTF Star Player as the Nigerian is now ranked 30 in the
world ahead of his continental rival – Egypt’s Omar

According to the March 2016 ranking released today by
the world table tennis ruling body, Quadri who was
ranked 37 in February garnered 58points from his
performance at the ITTF Top 16 Cup as well as ITTF
World Team Championship where he only lost to India’s
Sharath Achanta.

Again, Quadri has reclaimed his status as the highest
ranked African player in the world displacing Egypt’s
Omar Assar who dominated the continent throughout

The ranking was released at the end of the ITTF World
Team Championship with Egypt’s Assar who lost two
matches in Malaysia dropped to 36 from 33.
Also, Nigeria’s Segun Toriola who inspired the team in

Malaysia returned emphatically to the ranking to become
the third rated African player in the world. Toriola, who
will be attending his seventh Olympics in Rio, Brazil this
year is rated 116 in the world while Bode Abiodun who
has continued to rise in the ranking moved from 213 to
185 to become the sixth ranked African player behind
Egypt’s duo of El-Sayed Lashin and Mohammed El-Beiali,
who are both ranked 135 and 162 respectively.

This development has now put Nigeria ahead of Egypt in
terms of the men’s team event qualification for the
Olympic Games.

According to President, African Table Tennis Federation
(ATTF), Khaled El-Salhy, the May ranking of the three top
players in Nigeria and Egypt will decide the eventual
team that will qualify for the men’s team event of the
Rio Olympic Games.

“ITTF ranking in March might change the situation
slightly but it will not be the final as we should also
await the ranking list of April 2016 after the results of the
Kuwait Open & Qatar Open, then finally the ranking list of
May 2016 after the results of Poland Open.”

Nigerian is now ranked 30 in the world

Nigeria’s Aruna  Quadri’s performance at the ITTF World
Team Championship in Malaysia yielded for the 2014
ITTF Star Player as the Nigerian is now ranked 30 in the
world ahead of his continental rival – Egypt’s Omar

According to the March 2016 ranking released today by
the world table tennis ruling body, Quadri who was
ranked 37 in February garnered 58points from his
performance at the ITTF Top 16 Cup as well as ITTF
World Team Championship where he only lost to India’s
Sharath Achanta.

Again, Quadri has reclaimed his status as the highest
ranked African player in the world displacing Egypt’s
Omar Assar who dominated the continent throughout

The ranking was released at the end of the ITTF World
Team Championship with Egypt’s Assar who lost two
matches in Malaysia dropped to 36 from 33.
Also, Nigeria’s Segun Toriola who inspired the team in

Malaysia returned emphatically to the ranking to become
the third rated African player in the world. Toriola, who
will be attending his seventh Olympics in Rio, Brazil this
year is rated 116 in the world while Bode Abiodun who
has continued to rise in the ranking moved from 213 to
185 to become the sixth ranked African player behind
Egypt’s duo of El-Sayed Lashin and Mohammed El-Beiali,
who are both ranked 135 and 162 respectively.

This development has now put Nigeria ahead of Egypt in
terms of the men’s team event qualification for the
Olympic Games.

According to President, African Table Tennis Federation
(ATTF), Khaled El-Salhy, the May ranking of the three top
players in Nigeria and Egypt will decide the eventual
team that will qualify for the men’s team event of the
Rio Olympic Games.

“ITTF ranking in March might change the situation
slightly but it will not be the final as we should also
await the ranking list of April 2016 after the results of the
Kuwait Open & Qatar Open, then finally the ranking list of
May 2016 after the results of Poland Open.”

Hyundai’s Tucson SUV

Redesigned from ground up with a brand new chassis, the
new third-generation 2016 Tucson Sport Utility Vehicle
(SUV) is another step up from its predecessor and it offers
distinctive styling and tremendous features that make a
distinction from competitors in the mid-size SUV crowd,
Hyundai has styled the new third-generation 2016

Tucson Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) to look like a mini
Santa-Fe – striking characteristic competitors would
have to contend with in successive years to oust this
nicely styled car that has all the trappings of a luxury.

The Tucson is no doubt an inspiringly beautiful SUV with
attractive features, fantastic build quality, efficient
engines and a strong suite of safety kits backed by
Hyundai ambitious five years or 100, 000km warranty.
The visually striking 4WD Tucson replaces iX35 as
Korean automaker’s rival for lacklustre best sellers like
Honda CR-V, Toyota RAV-4, Nissan Qashqai, Kia
Sportage, Skoda Yeti, Renault Duster, Ford Escape and
Mazda CX3.

The squared-off wheel arches for instance and the Z-
shaped shoulder crease on the car flanks give
impression the Tucson is moving even while it’s
stationary. This is in addition to the smart rounded rear
end and the rear light clusters that are similar to some
Hyundai’s models.

Coupled with this is the evidently inspiring gasping
chrome grille in the front that links up to the headlights
and stretched backwards on to the front wings.

Against notable competitors, the Tucson is incredibly
spacious and could dwarf rivals in practicality, boot
space and generous amount of standard kits too.

Standard equipment on the Tucson is reasonably
impressive with air-condition, alloy wheels, DAB digital
radio, Bluetooth phone connectivity, USB ports, 18 inch
alloy wheels, child safety PR DR lock, keyless entry with
burglar alarm and automatic headlights.
Hyundai Motors Nigeria, manufacturers and distributors
of Hyundai automobiles today joined world renowned

Hyundai dealerships as it unveiled the all new third-
generation 2016 Tucson SUV that successfully mixes
value and practicality.

Available in Elegance and Evolution variants, the
Evolution has optional features including auto Defrog
system, ECM+Rear view camera, leather seats, power
seats, parking assist, cruise control, privacy glass,
button start (smart key) among others.
Hyundai Motors Nigeria Head of Sales and Marketing
Jatin Nadkarni at a product presentation last Thursday
affirmed that the new Tucson has plenty of cabin space
for five adults and ample boot capacity than most rivals
in the mid-sized SUV segment.

Tucson’s second-row of the five-passenger interior has
similarly improved in size and sophistication with a six-
way manually adjustable driver’s seat and lumbar

Also noteworthy is the Tucson’s near flat-folding rear
seats and dual-level cargo floor allowing ample space to
store consignment underneath the floor.
“In fact, four six-footers won’t have any trouble getting
comfortable in the Tucson – thanks to a roomy cabin
that’s top of the class space-wise,” Nadkarni said.

The use of buttons and knobs for climate and audio
functions is no doubt commendable.
Suffice to say the 2016 Hyundai Tucson has made
noticeably gains in overall comfort but most appreciated
is its well-insulated cabin that keeps outside sounds at
bay and a new suspension setup that can easily soak
bumps and nasty road imperfections.

Among the most attractive lures is Tucson’s new suite
treated to the automaker’s latest ‘Fluidic Sculpture 2.0’
design which gives the car sporty forward stance and
sharp creases like the Santa-Fe. This semblance is
noticeable in the Tucson’s large trapezoidal grille and the
new chassis, which now uses 50per cent high-strength
steel compared to its predecessor’s 18per cent.

Under the hood, Hyundai Tucson’s powertrain offerings
is enhanced with top efficient Nu engine family 2.0-litre
direct-injection four-cylinder engine with 164 brake
horsepower (bph) and 151 lb.-ft. of torque, mated to a
six-speed automatic transmission.
The six-speed automatic offers SHIFTRONIC™ manual
shifting mode and includes an overdrive lock-up torque
converter for higher fuel economy at highway speeds.

Tucson has resultantly become quieter with less road
noise in the cabin especially when cruising on the
highway and the body roll has been improved to
eliminate unpleasant leaning through fast corners –
thanks to the excellent body control.

The design progress inside the new Tucson for example
is evidently glaring with a mix of sophisticated, cohesive,
premium shine plastics with splashes of chrome and
smooth rolling dials that gives high-end feels
Even so, the eight-inch touch screen is home to audio,
and a raft of in-car information displays with intuitive
pathways. There’s also good storage pockets with 12-
volt, auxiliary and USB points that are sensibly
positioned forward of the gear change, allowing ease of

Tucson’s second row offers comfort and space for three
with two directional air vents; two back of seat pockets,
partial reclining seats and indoor storage stow.  The
centre belt extends from the roofline, but does its job
A much-desired electric tailgate reveals a large load
capacity – 488-litres growing to 1478 with the seats
folded flat – that offers a good load height with plenty of
anchor points; a 12-volt outlet and a dedicated light.

There’s also a spot to easily secure the retractable cover
when it’s not in use.
Local drivers especially in Nigeria would find the Tucson
extremely delightful to drive because of the improved
suspension that ensures more precise handling without
sacrificing ride comfort. Hyundai claims to have spent
significant time testing dampers, anti-roll bars, springs,
drivetrains, transmissions and wheel sizes to enhance
the ride quality and deliver perfect balance between
rough terrain and smooth highways.

A world’s first shock-absorber mounting structure, the
2016 Tucson employs a dual-reinforcing panel rear
wheelhouse design, which optimises panels that are
prone to vibration, resulting in a 109 percent increase in
rigidity, reduced road noise levels and ride and handling

"The Ministry And His Families Body Was Received At National Hospital In Abuja

The Federal Government confirmed the death of the
Minister when Secretary to the Government of the
Federation (SGF), Babachir David Lawal received the
body of the late Minister, that of his wife and son at the
National Hospital in Abuja.

The SGF told reporters that the accident which claimed
the life of the minister and his family occurred at
about 3.00pm.

The Minister was said to have travelled to Kaduna to
attend a church programme and was returning to Abuja
when the accident occurred.

The SGF said: “I will like to confirm that at about 3
pm today, the Honourable Minister of State for Labour
and Employment, James Ocholi was involved in a motor
vehicle accident along Kaduna-Abuja road. In this
accident, the minister lost his life, his son also lost his
life and the wife also lost her life. It is a very sad day
indeed for Nigerians.

“This thing has never happened and the President is in
shock. All members of the Federal Executive Council are
in shock and indeed, all Nigerians are in shock. We
commiserate with Nigerians. The President wants us to
extend his condolences to Nigerians, the people of Kogi
and the immediate family of James Ocholi.

“Personally, I have known James Ocholi for more than
20 years. We have been friends both in politics and in
Christian circle and I am indeed personally saddened
that I cannot begin to express the grief that we all face.

“Now, the bodies have been recovered and deposited in
the mortuary and we are waiting for the immediate
family and the Kogi State Government for the next line of
action. May God comfort all of us”.
Minister of Labour, Senator Chris Ngige described the
death as shocking, adding that he was overwhelmed with

The Minister in a statement by his Special Assistant on
Media, Nwachukwu Ngige, described Ocholi as an
“industrious servant of our dear.” In him, the Ministry of
labour and Employment, lost such an invaluable

“Personally, I lost a competent colleague and a friend.
What a vanity this life is!  What an emptiness; what a
nothingness we are! I pray that God Almighty, Himself,
the author of all creations would give eternal rest to
Ocholi, his wife and son. What a sad day”
Senator Dino Melaye said: “I am shocked, I am still in
shock and in pains. I spoke with him this morning and
we agreed that we were going to have a chat when he
comes back from Kaduna. We have lost somebody, we
have lost a great Nigerian; we have lost an intellectual
and lawyer. We have lost a great Kogite. I am shocked.”

The bodies of the late minister and his son whose name
and age could not be confirmed arrived the National
Hospital in a Federal Road Safety Corps ambulance with
registration number AO1-637RS at about6.48pm and
were deposited at the mortuary.

The ambulance was accompanied by another FRSC
escort pick-up van with registration number A01 736RS.
The body of the. Minister’s wife who died later at the
Doka Rural hospital along the Kaduna Abuja road also
arrived the hospital at about 7.47 pm in a Kaduna state
government ambulance with registration number
BK563DKA. It  was also received by the SGF
Scores of sympathisers were at the hospital. Road
safety officials told our reporter that five of them were
traveling in the Lexus SUV to Abuja when it had a tyre
bust causing the vehicle to summersault several times.

Those at the National Hospital include Minister of Works,
Housing and power, Babatunde Fashola, Kogi State
Governor Yahaya Bello,Federal lawmakers as well as
friends and relations of the minister.
Others were Health Minister, Prof. Isaac Adewole, Mr.
Festus Keyamo, Dr. Jafaru Momoh, FCT Commissioner
of Police, Minister of Environment Aisha Mohammed,
among others.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

I Was not reading always i have a social too

Ayodele Daniel Dada, the star graduand of the University
of Lagos (UNILAG), is already the toast of many

The 29-year-old Psychology graduate set a record for
achieving the maximum 5.0 Cumulative Grade Point
Average (CGPA) in the university.
After receiving his scroll at the 2014/2015 convocation,
he said he has been approached by many companies,
three of them multinationals.

Dada, who is working as an intern in one of the firms he
refused to mention, said he has not made up his mind
which one to go with.

“Many companies have been requesting for my services.
I won’t mention them but there are three solid offers
now and I am currently on an internship with a global
multinational company,” he said.
At the convocation, Dada carted home prizes worth N1
million for his sterling performance.

He won eight awards of various categories, including the
Vice Chancellor’s award for the best graduating student,
worth N600 000. He also got N500 000 from the
UNILAG Alumni Association, which was presented by the
National president, Dr Sunny Kuku.
Kuku, who announced the award while admitting the new
graduands into the alumni association, said the body
rewarded him with N100, 000 to represent each CGPA he
attained, adding up to N500, 000, as against the
association’s usual N100, 000 cash prize to the best
graduating student as well as a plaque.

Dada, who was thrilled by the awards, expressed
profound gratitude to the institution for their support.

Being the top of his class from his first year, he said he
used the opportunity to teach his peers and younger
ones as much as he could and eventually got paid for his
tutoring services.

“I give glory to God and I understand that it took a lot to
get here. I am proud of all the people who were part of
my success story. I also feel the weight of the
responsibility that this achievement bequeaths on me.

“I did private tutoring for my colleagues and my juniors
while in school and they paid me for it. It was useful for
me even in my own academics. I got the advantages
both academically and financially,” Dada said.

Delivering his valedictory speech, Dada said being the
best was not only about reading books, but having a
balanced life and surmounting impossibilities.

He said: “I was a social person throughout school. I
attended birthday parties, cinemas, I had so many
movies on my laptop and I was sharing them with my
colleagues, as I was sharing notes as well.

“I have fond memories. I was the head of my final year
planning committee for dinners, symposium, and was
involved in a lot of other things. But I didn’t have a

“I had close friends but I did not want to have to deal
with a lot of things at the same time. I was working and
schooling. You don’t have to be a genius to get the
results of a genius. Just target excellence always. The
nation needs us. We must readily take direction for our

A Bus Loaded 50-liters Kegs Of Petrol Explode In lsolo Lagos

Four persons were yesterday burnt beyond recognition
when a bus loaded with many 50-litre kegs of petrol
exploded in Isolo, Lagos.

The bus, with registration number, KTU 418 XK, was said
to have rammed into a stationary truck on Musiratu
Lasisi Street, following a brake failure around 4.30am.

Three died on the spot; the fourth, Segun Oluwole, died
at Gbagada General Hospital around 7pm.
According to eyewitnesses, the bus was coming from
Imota in Agbowa-Imota Local Council Development Area
(LCDA) of Lagos State.
Segun, who was a 17-year-old Senior Secondary School
pupil, was placed on oxygen after being rushed to the

He was in pains, moaning: “Where are my friends, Where
is Tunde and the landlord?” until he died few hours later.

A motorcyclist, Femi Ajibola, who said he was woken up
from sleep by a loud bang around 5am,said
that only the driver survived.

He said he heard the driver screaming “Alhaja is in the
bus”, and crying for help.
Ajibola said: “I was sleeping at the top of the building
because of heat and suddenly, I heard a loud noise like
bomb. So, I looked down and saw fire. I woke up my
other colleagues and told them that something was
wrong and that there was fire. I went down and removed
my motorcycle and that was when I saw one man sitting
by the pavement of Kembos school. He was screaming
for help but no one could near him because the fire was
much. He came out from the passenger seat and
eventually he died.
“But the driver also came out of the bus from the other
side. He was rescued by the people in the nearby
Celestial Church of Christ and was taken to Isolo General
Hospital. The bus had about 15 kegs of 50 litres and all
of them contained petrol. It looks like they are vandals or
they went to buy vandalised fuel because there were few
seats in the bus.”

Another eyewitness, Deji Ogunleye told The said that
while two bodies were retrieved, the third was completely

He said Red Cross officials who got there before other
agencies could not do much until the arrival of fire

“At first, they tried to use fire extinguisher to put out the
fire on the body of one of the victims but they could not
achieve much.”

Two bodies, covered in disposable bags were seen
beside the school gate amid a large crowd.
Isolo Local Council Development Area (LCDA) Executive
Secretary Olusegun Jubril, who visited the scene, said no
one knew where the bus came from nor where it was

He said the calamity would have been worst if the
stationary truck did not stop the bus from ramming into
a bakery.
Jubril said: “I was called this morning that a bus caught
fire; that no one knew where they were coming from and
where they were going; that the bus collided with another
vehicle selling sachet water.
“Only one person survived (later died in hospital). Two
bodies were recovered. I also heard that there was one
Alhaja inside the bus. The only person who survived said
that. The incident happened around 5am and I was
called around 5:30am. I rushed down immediately
because I stay in the neighbourhood. That was how we
started rescue operation.

“Maybe the bus was coming from a far place where they
went to do rubbish. And maybe they were running from
security agents. People must be mindful of their actions
and take precautions. It is pointless engaging in illegal
activities,” he said.

Director, Lagos State Fire Service Mr. Rasak Fadipe
confirmed to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) that the
men were burnt to death after their vehicle carrying
plastic jerry cans of fuel caught fire.
Fadipe said: “It is likely they were involved in petroleum
bunkering in Ikorodu area. The driver lost control and hit
a stationary truck. The driver tried to swerve to the other
side and the vehicle ran into the gutter, spilling the
contents of the jerry cans which resulted to fire. It took
my men about an hour to put out the fire in the gutter
and the vehicle. The driver was one of those roasted to
death in the bus.’’

The late Segun’s mother, Mrs. Roseline Oluwole, said
their landlord whom she identified as Kebe, phoned her
on Monday night that he wanted to see her son.

The 45-year-old mother of five said when her son was
leaving the house, he told her the landlord said there was
a bricklaying job, adding: “We live in Imota and my son
lives with me. Since the landlord (Kebe) doesn’t collect a
kobo from me, I asked my son to go to him. In fact I
borrowed the transport fare I gave him. He left home
around 11am and I pleaded with him not to stay out late
since we had nothing to eat. He was even acting funny
and I told him to stay behind if he didn’t want to go.
When it was around 6pm, I dialled Kebe’s mobile line but
it wasn’t reachable even when I asked my neighbour,
she said it is possible my son was playing with his
Mrs. Oluwole, who trades in fish, said she was shocked
when an unfamiliar number called her around 5am,
saying her son was involved in an accident.

“I was scared. I didn’t know what to do. I dialled the
number back and I was told he has been taken to the
hospital. It was the money my daughter made from the
ponmo (hides and skin) she hawked on Monday I used as
transport fare to the hospital. I don’t have a kobo to take
care of him. Since his father and I separated in 2009, my
son has been taking care of the family. He does all kinds
of menial jobs to cater for our needs. We live in an
uncompleted building. We live from hand to mouth. He
was meant to sit for his West African Examination last
year but he was ill. I don’t know what they went to do.
He is a small boy. My children have been forced to stop
school because their father is not forthcoming. I pray my
son survives because he is in pains. It was good
Samaritans that contributed some amount of money
when I couldn’t bring out a kobo. I need help. I can’t
watch my son die,” she said.
The late Segun’s sister, Mayowa, said they had always
been fending for themselves, adding that she hawks
ponmo to survive.

“We have nothing. I was in Junior Secondary School III
when my mother said she could no longer afford the fee.

Even when she took me to my father’s place in Ibadan,
he couldn’t do anything till I resorted to hawking. My
elder sister abandoned her daughter with us. If my
parents are together, all this won’t be happening to us.
We are really in the highest stage of poverty.”

UBA Appoint a New Group Of Director

The United Bank for Africa (UBA) Group Board yesterday
approved the appointment of Kennedy Uzoka as the
Group Managing Director, with effect from August 1.

The appointment, the company said, is subject to the
approval of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN). Uzoka
succeeds Phillips Oduoza, who retires on July 31 after
two terms of leading the UBA Group.
Uzoka has most recently been leading the
transformation agenda of the bank, after returning from
completing the Advanced Management Programme of
Harvard Business School.

He has over two and half decades of experience in
commercial banking, strategy and business
transformation. Prior to his sabbatical at Harvard, he
served as Deputy Managing Director, UBA group and
was also the CEO of UBA Africa, responsible for the
Group’s operations in 18 countries across Africa.

He is a graduate of Mechanical Engineering from
University of Benin and holds a Masters Degree in
Business Administration from University of Lagos.
Also appointed yesterday, was Victor Osadolor as the
Deputy Managing Director, UBA Group. Mr Osadolor
brings a strong finance and risk background, having
previously served as the Executive Director, Risk and
Finance at UBA. Mr Osadolor also held the position of

Chief Strategy Officer at Ecobank Transnational
Incorporation. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in
Accounting and is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of
Accountants of Nigeria. He also holds the Advanced
Management Programme Certificate from the Harvard
Business School.

The Chairman of UBA Group Mr. Tony Elumelu said of
both appointments: “Kennedy brings an extremely strong
skill set and is ideally positioned to lead UBA in its next
phase of growth. His most recent experience of
managing the Group’s increasingly important African
business, is particularly relevant, as we all work to build
one of the leading financial services franchises in
Africa. I have no doubt that both he and Victor with their
expertise and depth of business experience will ensure
that the Bank is best positioned to deliver on its strategic

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Phillips,
for all that he has done for the bank in guiding UBA
through a particularly challenging period. The Board feels
that the strong foundations created during Oduoza’s
term provide an excellent basis for our further success.”

NNPC supplies 10.23m litres of fuel Lagos

In fulfillment of its agreement oil marketers to stem the
ongoing fuel scarcity, the Nigerian
National Petroleum
Corporation (NNPC) has increased its daily supply of
petrol to Lagos from 295 trucks (9.7 million litres) as at
Monday to 310 trucks yesterday, which is 10.2 million

The Executive Secretary of Major Oil Marketers
Association of Nigeria (MOMAN), Obafemi Olawore said
marketers received the 310 trucks yesterday, adding that
if the same quantity is received today, the long queues at
filing stations will ease out by end of the week.

Olawore stated that there are vessels laden with
products that were imported by NNPC but the problem
is that the Corporation lacks storage and distribution
facilities to distribute the products, which accounts for
the current situation on ground.

He noted that when the importation ratio was 50:50
between marketers and the NNPC, the distribution
situation was not this bad, adding that the 78 per cent
importation ratio given to the Corporation may be
reviewed in second quarter.

He confirmed that many filling stations were selling at
above the regulated pump price, but explained that such
situation obtains because the demand surpasses supply
and many people sell at whatever price they like to make
more profit.

He also said marketers are not importing because of
lack of access to foreign exchange.

He said: ‘’Only NNPC has access to forex and that
hinders adequate importation. However, government
should have the courage to deregulate the downstream
sector, so there will be local production and also
encourage investors to invest in the sector. ‘’

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"Kate and Matt have been separated for some time now.

Kate Hudson has suggested she and Matt Bellamy are
better parents following their split.
The actress - whose four year relationship ended in 2014 -
has opened up on the effect their breakup has had on her
style of parenting, admitting it has given her a boost as a
Speaking in the April issue of Red magazine, Kate
explained that a couple must be "truly happy in
themselves", and be willing to "look at their relationship" if
it seems to be hurting their family life.

She said: "The goal is always to stay together. Matt and I
worked on it together and we came to the point where we
realised that we are better as friends.

"That is a healthier approach for our kids and we can see
the results."
The former couple have remained friends following their split

They said: "Kate and Matt have been separated for some
time now.
"Despite this, they remain very close friends and
committed co-parents."

Recently, the actress was spotted enjoying a date night
with Nick Jonas at Pace Italian restaurant in Los Angeles
just days after they were reportedly seen locking lips at a
SuperBowl party.

Nigeria will need 50,000mega (Mw) Electricity.

The Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Petroleum
Resources, Dr. Jamila Shu’ara, yesterday said Nigeria
needs over 50,000megawatts (Mw) of electricity to
effectively develop its economy.

Delivering the keynote address at a workshop on
renewable energy in Abuja, she said for Nigeria to take
its position as a leading economy in the world, it must
generate sufficient electricity to drive its socio-economic
Represented by  a director at the ministry, Mr. Armayaw
Korfi, she noted  that experience had shown that Nigeria
must explore all possible means to expand energy
access if it must make head way a nation in power

She said: “While the power requirement to drive Nigeria
socio-economic development stands at over 50,000Mw,
we currently generate less than a tenth of that. Similarly,
we are not able to make any local contribution to the
ethanol blending project, which was aimed at reducing
emission from fossil fuel.

“Can we all imagine what economic development that
would attend to Nigeria if we are generating about
20,000Mw of electricity from renewable sources, or
locally providing ethanol for E10 blending?

“Definitely, the economic landscape of this nation and its
people will dramatically change. It is only then that we
can confidently take our potential position in the world
as a leading economy.”

Shu’ara however said to translate the potentials of
renewable energy sources in Nigeria to mechanism of
economic development, capacities must be built to
identify, explore and manage the renewable options.

This, according to her, was why the one-day workshop
was organised so that stakeholders could chart a way
She said the ministry had identified the need to build
necessary capacities in the renewable energy value
chain in Nigeria.