Wednesday 9 March 2016

6 Important Facts Every Couple Should Know About Family Planing

According to the United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA), up to 225
million women, most of whom are
Africans require family planning but are
not on any form of it. If they had access
to modern methods of family planning,
as many as 24 million abortions, 6
million miscarriages, 70000 maternal
deaths and 500000 infant deaths could
have been prevented.

Family planning, otherwise known as
contraception refers to the diverse methods and techniques whereby couples can determine the number of children they want to have and when.

Countries such as China and India have
been able to cut their population growth
rate and improve the standard of living
of citizens by introducing stiff family
planning measures. However, in sub-
Saharan Africa, limited access as well as
diverse religious and traditional beliefs
have hampered the practice of family

In this article, we will take a look at
various family planning options and the
benefits derivable from them.
1. Condoms Lower the risk of HIV and other STIs Apart from providing contraception and preventing unwanted pregnancies by serving as a mechanical barrier between sperm and eggs, condoms, when correctly and consistently used can also reduce your risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea. Condoms
achieve this by preventing contact
between the skin and infected body
fluids as long as there is no slippage or

2. Combined oral contraceptive pills (COCs)
offer significant protection from cancers
These pills are usually made up of
oestrogen and progestogen components
in order to prevent ovulation by
inhibiting the follicle stimulating and
luteinizing hormones. Most formulations
contain 21 hormonally active pills
followed by 7 placebo pills to facilitate
consistent daily intake throughout a 28-
day menstrual cycle. Oral contraceptive
pills prevent benign breast disease,
pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and
functional cysts. In addition, the use of
COCs has been associated with a 50%
risk reduction for endometrial adenocarcinoma. They also provide
protection against ovarian cancers.

3. Contraceptive implants are also available For women who are breastfeeding or have challenges with complying with oral tablets or injections, contraceptive implants are a suitable option. For instance, implanon is a single-rod implant that can be inserted underneath the skin where it then releases 68mg of etonogestrel slowly at a predetermined rate over a period of 3 years.

Throughout this period, contraception is
reliably provided without any further
need to swallow pills or receive
intramuscular injections. Plus, once the
rod is removed after 3 years, return to
fertility is usually dramatic within 3

4. Consistent breastfeeding provides natural contraception Not many mothers are aware that consistent and exclusive breastfeeding of their babies during the first six months of life is a form of natural
contraception. It is referred to as the
Lactational Amenorrhoea Method (LAM)
and it prevents the cyclical release of
eggs from the ovaries (ovulation). Little
wonder most mothers do not menstruate
while exclusively breastfeeding their babies. Therefore, breastfeeding is
beneficial for both mother and baby
since it not only promotes bonding
between them but also provides
contraception at no extra cost to the

5. Family planning reduces maternal and
child mortality Family planning has achieved tremendous results in reducing the maternal and childhood mortality rates
globally. For instance, it has been
discovered that a woman who has more
than 4 children (grandmultiparity)
stands a higher risk of dying during
pregnancy and childbirth. Similarly, the
use of contraceptives has reduced the
incidence of unwanted pregnancies
among teenagers especially girls less
than 18 years who are more likely to
suffer adverse events like prolonged
obstructed labour and unsafe abortions
during pregnancy and delivery.

Evidently, obstructed labour and
abortions are leading causes of maternal
mortality. In the same vein, such under-
age girls are more likely to deliver
preterm or low birth weight babies who
have less chances of survival.

6. Family planning prevents unwanted
pregnancies among HIV positive women
One of the major strategies adopted for
the prevention of mother-to-child
transmission of HIV/AIDS (PMTCT) is the
prevention of unwanted pregnancies
among women that have been
diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Such women
are adequately counselled on the
numerous available family planning
techniques and assisted in making the
best choice for them so that they can
only get pregnant when they are ready
to do so. Even then, they are placed on
antiretroviral drugs to protect the foetus.
Undoubtedly, this has reduced the incidence of paediatric HIV/AIDS among
newborns in our society.

In conclusion, it is obvious that a wide
range of family planning options are
available nowadays with their potential
benefits. The onus lies on you to consult
your healthcare giver who can help you
make the best choice tailored towards
meeting your own unique needs.

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